TAURIA’s military-grade video meetings ensure absolute privacy for critical meetings, and its embedded, white-label video verification for online transactions and apps protects you from bad actors. TAURIA’s next-generation military-grade encrypted video conferencing is trusted by governments and multinationals. TAURIA delivers private video conferencing, true military-grade encryption and instant meetings that do not require downloading an app. It can run on any device or system, such as PC, Mac, Linux, iOS, Android and Chrome. With over 40 features and real-time multifactor authentication, TAURIA’s zero trust meets the latest privacy and security standards and peer-to-peer video, where no data is tracked or stored.
TAURIA’s objectives at Cybertech Global Tel Aviv 2023 are to expand its market in the most advanced cybersecurity market in the world and enjoy the prestige of participating in a government mission.

Jesse Van Griensven, Chairman of the BoardTel: +1 519-746-5995Email:
Cristiane Lagos, Chief Product OfficerTel: +1 519-581-8342Email:
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