GoAutomate revolutionizes organizations with AI-driven automation and workflows for greater efficiency. Its end-to-end platform GoAutomateMD offers seamless integration with existing health systems, focusing on high customization for a tailored solution. GoAutomateMD enhances interoperability, improving workflows without added complexity. Operating unobtrusively, it simplifies referral management, booking, and EMR/HIS integration. GoAutomate’s AI-powered clinic decision support and e-Protocol streamlines repetitive tasks, freeing up valuable time for technologists and radiologists. Discover the future of healthcare automation with GoAutomateMD.

Jag Basrai, Chief Executive OfficerTel: +1 647-479-0679Email:
Event details
Date: December 1 - 5, 2024
Event contact
Patricia Cosgrove
Area Director
USA: Life Sciences
Tel: +1 647-293-6306
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