
Okanii's Internet of value platform can tokenize, transfer, and settle any asset (fiat, crypto, CBDC, stock, bond, commodity, etc.) across any use-case (P2P, C2B, B2B) using any transfer tech (SMS, POS, NFC, email, QR, etc.) for virtually zero cost, resulting in a 99% cost reduction over existing platforms. 
Okanii makes moving value as easy as the Internet moves data, its the TCP/IP of value. Okanii licenses its platform to strategic partners.

Mission Objectives

Okanii is currently conducting several pilots in its sandbox with strategic industry stakeholders and is looking for additional stakeholders (banks, processors, PSP, telco's, eco-systems, etc.).

Okanii Inc. logo



Event details

Date: June 26 - 29, 2023

Event contact

Lisa Qi
Senior International Market Consultant


172 in total