
UHN is Canada’s largest and leading research hospital, consisting of six research institutes located within the hospital system comprised of Princess Margaret Cancer Centre, Toronto General, Toronto Rehabilitation, Toronto Western and West Park hospitals and the Michener Institute of Education. UHN is affiliated with the University of Toronto and is the largest medical research and innovation driver in the greater Toronto region. Toronto General Hospital was named among the world’s Top 5 Hospitals by Newsweek magazine for five straight years (2023) – the only Canadian hospital in this tier –and is currently the #3 hospital in the world. UHN also ranks first on Canada’s Top 40 Research Hospitals list compiled by Research Infosource and has consistently ranked at the top since 2011. The scope of research and complexity of cases at UHN have made us a national and international source for discovery, education and patient care. Its research is world-renowned and includes major research in cardiology, transplantation, neurosciences, oncology, surgical innovation, infectious diseases, genomic medicine and rehabilitation medicine.

University Health Network (UHN) logo



Event details

Date: June 3 - 6, 2024

Event contact

Patricia Cosgrove
Area Director
USA: Life Sciences


42 in total